JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) ensures that the disbursement of the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program budget will continue to be accelerated in the remaining two months of this year. As of October 26, the PEN budget that had been disbursed reached Rp. 361.5 trillion or equivalent to 52 percent of the budget of Rp. 695.2 trillion.

Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) of the Ministry of Finance Febrio Kacaribu said, although it is still a little over 50 percent, the absorption of PEN has shown to have accelerated in the last few months. Even compared to July 2020, the absorbed budget reached 35.8 percent.

"This has accelerated quite a bit in the last few months. It will be absorbed towards 100 percent by the end of the year," he said, in the 2020 National Finance National Symposium (SNKN) webinar in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 4.

The details are the realization of the health sector budget of IDR 30.74 trillion from a ceiling of IDR 87.55 trillion. For the realization of the social protection budget, it is the largest, reaching Rp170.06 trillion from the ceiling of Rp.203.90 trillion.

For the sectoral budget of Ministries / Institutions (K / L), Rp. 28.61 trillion has been realized from the ceiling of Rp. 106.11 trillion. Furthermore, realized business incentives amounting to IDR 35.47 trillion from a ceiling of IDR 10.61 trillion.

Meanwhile, support for MSMEs was realized as much as Rp. 92.6 trillion from the ceiling of Rp. 123.47 trillion. Meanwhile, corporate financing is the only sector that has only been realized this month, amounting to IDR 1 billion from a ceiling of IDR 53.6 trillion.

Febrio said the government is accelerating the realization of PEN from the corporate and sectoral financing posts of K / L and local governments. For example, loans to regions, State Capital Participation (PMN) to BUMN and loans to BUMN.

"This will be quite accelerated in the remaining two months from 2020," he said.

Furthermore, said Febrio, the government is committed to continuing to monitor and evaluate (monev) the PEN program on a regular basis. Both at the cabinet level, acceleration committee and internal Ministry of Finance.

Febrio admitted that the realization of PEN is still facing challenges such as data. Several existing programs such as PKH and Basic Food Cards have experienced accelerated realization because they are supported by adequate data and adequate delivery mechanisms.

On the other hand, the realization of several new programs is still hampered because there is no sufficient data yet with different distribution mechanisms.

"Every week monitoring and evaluation are carried out, which programs are effective and quickly accepted by the community, which will then be strengthened," he said.

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