JAKARTA - Candidate for Mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution talked about the difference between his campaign and candidate number 2, Bobby Nasution. Bobby Nasution is said to have offered many promises which Akhyar claimed had actually been done by him.

Akhyar mentioned Bobby Nasution's meeting with ulama in Medan. There Bobby Nasution promised to prepare 100 hectares of land for the construction of the Islamic Center.

For Akhyar Nasution, the promise to run the program has fallen behind. Because Akhyar said he was the first to design the construction of the Islamic Center in the area of Jalan Rame VII Medan Labuhan.

Akhyar said that the construction of the Islamic Center should have started in early 2020 by first building road access to the main building location.

"The land for the location of the Islamic Center is still swampy, so the road facilities need to be prepared first. Unfortunately, due to the growing problem of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout Indonesia, the government has been forced to suspend some infrastructure programs, ”said Akhyar in a written statement, Tuesday, November 3.

As a result, the construction of the Islamic Center in Medan Labuhan was also postponed. In fact, the 26 hectare land called Akhyar is already available.

"So if there is a candidate program regarding the construction of an Islamic Center, yes, it is very behind. I have run the program in Medan, it's just that it was delayed because of COVID-19, "said Akhyar.

According to the candidate for mayor of Medan who is paired with Salman Alfarisi, the plan is that in the Islamic Center area, various training facilities, economic centers for the people and Islamic education activities will be built.

"Hopefully, when I am chosen, the construction of the Islamic Center will be carried out immediately," said Akhyar.

In addition, he also mentioned the campaign of Bobby Nasution, the son-in-law of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to build a reservoir to prevent flooding. This program, called Akhyar, has been designed by itself in 2019 with a location near Griya Martubung, Medan Labuhan.

"I admit that the area near Griya Martubung is indeed prone to flooding, so since last year we have planned to build a reservoir in this area to deal with flooding," he said.

Later, the reservoir construction location, according to Akhyar, will be used as a water tourism area. The condition is that the reservoir and the surrounding area must be arranged so that it is attractive to visitors and can generate new income from the tourism sector.

As a construction expert, Akhyar understands the things that need to be prepared for the construction of a reservoir. First, revitalizing the function of folders so that complaints from the public about drainage can be resolved.

In addition, Akhyar Nasution also has a community economic empowerment program. For example, economic training for the poor to be able to develop their own businesses.

One of the programs is to increase the role of existing vocational training centers. Providing venture capital will also be an activity he has prepared.

Even with the waste problem. Akhyar mentioned the waste management power plant construction program.

For Akhyar Nasution, the program offered by Bobby had already been discussed by the Medan City Government.

"Since he was still under Rahudman's leadership, the plan to build the power plant has been discussed with several investors," said Akhyar.

"Yes, for Indonesia, only Surabaya is designing it. Even the city of Jakarta is not ready to carry out the power plant project. Medan will follow after Surabaya. In essence, the plan has been in the Medan City Government program for three years. So it's nothing new, "said Akhyar.

Meanwhile, regarding the handling of tidal floods in the fishing village of Belawan, Akhyar called Bobby promised to block the overflow of sea water by building a dam.

But Akhyar emphasized that this program, according to a study by the Ministry of PUPR, is difficult. Apart from requiring huge funds, it will not be effective either.

"Traditionally, fishermen houses in our area are always high. If the height is equal to the ground surface, it will be in vain, ”said Akhyar.

Therefore, Akhyar Nasution has launched a revitalization of the construction of fishermen's houses with a concept that is higher than sea level.

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