Gibran Blusukan In Laweyan, The Independent Challenger For Bajo, Claims To Get 70 Thousand Support
Blusukan online candidate for Mayor of Solo Gibran Rakabuming Raka (DOK.Via Antara)

SOLO - The winning team for the pair of candidates for mayor-vice mayor of Surakarta Bagyo Wahyono-FX Supardjo (Bajo) claimed to have temporary support of 70,240 people. This support is claimed to have been obtained during the Surakarta Pilkada campaign.

The Bajo winning team supported by Tikus Phiti Hanata Baris continued to socialize candidates to the community in Solo. The leader of the Bajo winning team, Sigit Prawoso, said that his party brought in all members of the Rat Phiti Hanata Baris from various regions, such as the Central Java, East Java and Yogyakarta Special Region to socialize and campaign about Bajo door to door in Solo.

According to Sigit Prawoso, of the 70,240 Bajo supporters there are 30,217 supporters from the community who are members of the people's coalition as mobilizers filled with a number of elements of society. Meanwhile, 40,023 people are pure support from the people of Solo.

Sigit mentioned that elements of society who support Bajo are the Solo Wedangan Community, the Sunan Kentan Community, Solo Madani, and Islamic Madani. He detailed the number of Baji supporters in Banjarsari District as many as 21,948 people, Jebres (18,731), Laweyan (8,871), Pasar Kliwon (8,649), and Serengan (11,975).

Bajo independent candidates and his team (ANTARA)

"However, it is not known which district the 66 Bajo supporters have entered," he said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 3.

With the "sekasur, sedapur, and sesumur" system, he believes that the Bajo pair won around 80 percent of the Solo Pilkada.

Gibran Blusukan at Laweyan

Meanwhile, candidate for mayor of Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka conducted an online blusukan campaign to absorb the aspirations of the community in Bumi Laweyan Village, Solo, Tuesday, November 3.

Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is paired with Teguh Prakosa, conducted a dialogue with a virtual box camera connected to local residents to find out input and accommodate complaints submitted online.

Alex, a resident of RT 03 Keluharan Bumi Laweyan, conveyed the need for drainage improvement and road paving in the Laweyan area. In fact, other residents also hope that tourist facilities in this area can be further developed.

Another resident, Suwarto, hopes that the tourism potential in Bumi Kelurahan can be further encouraged.

"In fact, I also hope that someday Gibran can encourage the elderly to be more productive," said Suwarno.

According to Gibran, tours in the village will be encouraged. During the blusukan, Gibran observed that each village could explore its tourism potential, such as in Mojosongo, where many residents make bird cage crafts. Whereas in Baron many of them become suppliers of angkringan foods.

"This can be processed again to attract tourists to the villages," said Gibran when responding to requests from local residents.

In addition, Gibran emphasized that he is ready to provide assistance to elderly groups to be more productive. Gibran, when the virtual box blusukan walks around the village, meets Sumini, who complains that her son is sick but has difficulty bringing him to the hospital.

"My team will pick up the sick child, while he is being treated, hopefully he will get well soon," said Gibran.

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