SURABAYA - The East Java Provincial Government guarantees assistance or compensation for breeders whose animals are sick, and even die from Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD).

East Java Acting Governor, Emil Elestianto Dardak, said the budget shift from the Unexpected Expenditure (BTT) budget post for handling FMD outbreaks in livestock in the form of medicines and compensation would be carried out pending the central government's decision through the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Inmendagri) No. 32 of 2022.

"The Ministry of Home Affairs for the allocation of BTT is the basis for emergency handling of FMD", he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, July 5.

Later, said Emil, the Ministry of Home Affairs will immediately follow up with other regencies/cities to implement the BTT linkage and other instructions.

"We hope that soon there will be specific instructions that allow BTT to be used for disaster management with procedures according to the concept of an emergency", he said.

Inmendagri 32 of 2022 is reported to have been discussed by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) that the FMD case is a priority and as soon as possible allocate BTT according to Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa's policy to accelerate the availability of drugs.

"Inmedagri is a comprehensive basis, not only answering BTT, but all things that must be done by local governments in responding to the development of FMD", he said.

Regarding compensation for cattle breeders, Emil Dardak said that the East Java Provincial Government has not been able to take a policy, because it is waiting for a decision issued by the central government.

The East Java Provincial Government, he continued, did not want to be careless because there are still policies at the national level that will be discussed and the province wants to confirm the concept, so that it is clear where the compensation will go.

"Is it the breeder or the livestock", he said.

Arumi Bachsin's husband hopes that compensation can also be accommodated by the relevant ministries so that regional governments are more sensitive in implementing it.

Later, if the central government has issued a compensation policy for breeders whose animals have died due to FMD, Emil hopes for the support of the district/city governments in each region, so that there is no overlap.

"This is at the same time expanding the reach of the right target in providing compensation to fellow breeders who are experiencing difficulties", continued Emil.

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