JAKARTA - After the police detained six suspects in the beating at SMA 70, South Jakarta, the parents came to the South Jakarta Metro Police on Tuesday, July 5.

Kulsum as the parent of the perpetrator with the initials B hopes for the police to consider the legal status of the suspects. The reason is, the perpetrators who are 18 years old on average still need to continue their education to the next level.

He added that the suspects who are currently in the South Jakarta Metro Police Rutan are in very depressed condition.

"(The situation) is depressed because they can't continue their studies, so we all hope for all parties to respond to be able to fight for our children," Kulsum told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, July 5.

Kulsum admits that he doesn't mind if his son is punished for his actions. However, he asked for leniency for his children, reminding them that they still want to have a future.

"We all hope for all parties to respond to be able to fight for our children, our future, we do not mind them being punished but not to destroy their future," he said.

"Prison is not finished. Prison is not the right thing for them. Because they need guidance, direction, they have to learn a lot, yes, they are 18 years old, indeed they are entering adulthood but not mentally and personally," he added.

On the occasion, Kulsum, who represented the parents of the other perpetrators, apologized to the victim. He hopes that his son will soon be released from the bondage of the law.

"The victim deeply, we apologize that our children made a mistake. Please forgive. We hope that this can be a consideration for the victim's family. We ask the parents of the victim to forgive our children," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that the South Jakarta Metro Police arrested a student at a high school in South Jakarta, with the initials DMA (18). DM is suspected of molesting another student who is also his classmate.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Ridwan Soplanit, explained that the trigger for the beating was allegedly due to a trivial issue, namely seniority. There are six suspects.

"There is a group arrogance like that. It's a social problem. This victim is their classmate," Ridwan confirmed, Wednesday, June 29.

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