JAYAPURA - Police personnel from the Skouw-Wutung sub-sector, RI-PNG Border, Jayapura City, seized 2.8 kilograms of marijuana from PNG (Papua New Guinea).

Jayapura City Police Chief Kombes Victor D. Mackbon said the 2.8 kg of marijuana from PNG was brought by SD (22) and HB (27). Both were arrested on Sunday (2/7). The two perpetrators brought the illicit goods through the RI-PNG Trans-Border Axis Road.

The arrests began when members received information that marijuana transactions would occur around the border, so it was reported to the Head of the Skouw-Wutung sub-sector Ipda Alexander Yerisetouw. Patrols were carried out.

While on patrol, Brigadier Bagus and Bripda Khoirul saw two suspicious people riding motorbikes from the border to Jayapura City.

When he was stopped and checked, he found two large plastic bags containing marijuana. The two were immediately taken to the Skouw-Wutung Police Headquarters.

Inside the two plastics are 100 packets of dried marijuana. Both were immediately handed over to the Jayapura City Police Narcotics Investigation Unit for legal action.

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