JAKARTA - Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) clarified the allegations of misappropriation of donations from the public.

ACT President Ibnu Khajar said that his institution's financial condition was in good condition. Ibnu said, the financial condition had been audited from 2005 to 2020 and obtained an Unqualified Opinion (WTP).

"The condition of the ACT institution is in good condition, maybe in the news this institution is in a daze. This institution is fine and has been financially consistent since 2005. Every year the disciplined institution conducts audits and until 2020 it gets the WTP title," Ibnu told reporters at his regional office. Simatupang, South Jakarta, Monday, July 4.

Regarding the human resources (HR) of the institution, said Ibnu, the conditions are the same as in finance, there are no significant obstacles.

"Now the condition is good and we are grateful. Since COVID hit, not only us, ACT, but a number of institutions have been affected," he said.

Currently, his party is correcting deficiencies, related to input from various institutions for this company.

"There is an awareness of correcting deficiencies in the institution, so that the leaders of the central and regional institutions come to give advice," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that the humanitarian agency ACT was suspected of misusing the budget for the personal interests of its leader.

While serving as President of ACT, Ahyudin allegedly earned a salary of IDR 250 million every month. Meanwhile, for positions below him, such as senior vice president, the salary is Rp. 200 million per month, Vice President is Rp. 80 million, and Executive Director is Rp. 50 million.

According to a Tempo magazine report, Ahyudin was facilitated by three luxury vehicles when he served as President of ACT, such as the Toyota Alphard, Mitsubishi Pajero Sport, and Honda CRV. It was also found that ACT funds were used for Ahyudin's personal interests for household purposes.

Police Investigate Allegations

The National Police intervened to investigate the alleged misappropriation of Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) funds. Currently, the process is at the investigation stage.

"Information from the Criminal Investigation Unit is still in the process of being investigated," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo when contacted, Monday, July 4.

Then, in investigating the allegations, the investigative team is still looking for information and clues. Thus, the facts behind the alleged misappropriation of funds will be found later.

Apart from the investigation process, Dedi said that until now, Bareskrim has not received any reports.

"Still looking for pulbaket first," he said.

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