SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) issued a warning to 2,740 building owners in the City of Heroes. This warning was issued because the owner of the building does not yet have a Function-worthy Certificate (SLF).

"So we did reprimands from the mandatory SLF for which we recorded 2,740 data and we have warned all of them. Because indeed many of them don't know what SLF is," said Head of the Surabaya City Public Housing and Settlement Areas and Land Office (DPRKPP), Irvan Wahyudrajat. , in Surabaya, Monday, July 4th.

Irvan stated that DPRKPP is currently concentrating on high-rise buildings that stand on eight floors. For example, apartments, hotels and malls.

With the height of the building that stands, it is judged that it is more prone to structural damage. "Because it is the highest residential area and is prone to fire, structural damage and so on," he said.

Therefore, Irvan appealed to the owners of buildings in the city of Surabaya to immediately take care of the SLF. This is as regulated in Government Regulation Number 16 of 2021 concerning Implementing Regulations of Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings.

"We have also made it easier to go through desks at the office (DPRKPP) every day. Then also speed up the process through Perwali which was 25 days for non-simple, it could be only 12 days," he said.

Apart from that, he also made sure that the signature or person in charge of SLF management did not have to go through a consultant. This can be done directly by the building owner or the contractor. "The signature does not have to be a consultant, it can also be the owner / owner, as long as the contractor wants to be responsible, whether in terms of structure or fire and waste protection, please sign," he said.

The former Head of the Surabaya City Transportation Service (Dishub), stated that building owners can be subject to sanctions if they do not have SLF.

However, before being sanctioned, said Irvan, the DPRKPP will give warnings in stages. "So after the third warning or warning, there is bantib (assistance for controlling). If it is not ignored, we will seal it first, then we will close it," he said.

Irvan again appealed to building owners in Surabaya to immediately take care of SLF. Moreover, managing SLF is now faster after the issuance of Surabaya Mayor Regulation Number 51 of 2022 regarding changes to Perwali Number 14 of 2018 concerning Certificates for Building Functionalities.

"So, if you don't use a consultant, for example, you just need to fill out the list. Look at it. Then the signature of the owner or person in charge is enough," he said.

Function-worthy Certificate (SLF) is a certificate given by the local government or the central government to declare the function of the building before the building is used.

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