BENGKULU - The district government (Pemkab) of Mukomuko, Bengkulu Province, received assistance of 1,000 doses of vaccine to prevent foot and mouth disease (PMK) in cattle, goats, and buffalo from the government.

"A total of 1,000 doses of the vaccine are for 1,000 livestock," said Mukomuko Fitriyani, Head of Livestock and Animal Health at the Agriculture Service, Melansie Antara, Sunday, July 3.

Assistance of 1,000 doses of vaccine to prevent FMD from the government will be distributed to three animal health centers (Puskeswan) in this area.

Of the 1,000 doses of vaccine, 400 doses were for the Puskesmas Penarik Subdistrict, 300 doses for the Puskeswan in Ipuh Subdistrict, and 300 doses for the Puskeswan in Lubuk Pinang Subdistrict.

Meanwhile, the vaccination of 1,000 livestock animals spread across the three regional health centers will be carried out for two days starting on June 4 and 6, 2022.

"The vaccination activity for 1,000 livestock is carried out simultaneously and it is targeted that this activity will be completed in two days," he said.

He said that at least 40 livestock and animal health officers together with officers at three Puskeswan would carry out vaccinations to prevent FMD in livestock in this area.

He said that his agency in addition to conducting mass vaccinations to prevent FMD in livestock, as well as tightening the supervision of sacrificial animals to prevent the spread of foot and mouth disease in this area.

He said that the supervision of sacrificial animals was stricter than the previous year after livestock belonging to local residents were infected with FMD.

He mentioned, as many as three cattle belonging to residents of Lubuk Mukti Village, Penarik District, which had contracted FMD since a week ago.

For this reason, he said, his party carried out various ways and efforts to prevent the spread of PMK in this area.

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