JAKARTA - A protest demonstration by the Prophet 211 burned a poster of French President Emmanuel Macron. The arson was carried out after giving a statement letter to the French Embassy (Embassy) via the police.

According to VOI monitoring, Monday, November 2, the masses burned several posters. There are at least two small and one large posters. The arson was carried out beside the command car.

In the burning of the poster, two men can be seen raising their palms as if they were praying. Meanwhile, several other people helped burn the posters.

However, the burnt posters did not completely burn. Because before the fire started, the protesters stepped on the poster.

Previously, Rizieq Shihab's son-in-law, Hanif Alatas had been the command for the Prophet's 211 action. He asked the government to boycott and expel the French Embassy from Indonesia.

The request to expel the French representative from Indonesia was based on disappointment over the attitude shown by French President Emmanuel Macron. Because of this, Indonesia was deemed inappropriate to have a relationship with France.

"Expel the French Embassy," said Hanif, Monday, November 2.

In addition, Hanif also asked the Indonesian government to imitate the attitude of the Turkish Government which had boycotted all French-made products. This step is said to be a form of strong criticism from Indonesia.

"We ask the Indonesian government like Turkey to officially boycott all French products," he said

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