JAKARTA - The body of a woman from Pancoran, Depok, which was found by residents floating in Krukut River, Jagakarsa, Thursday morning, June 30, did not show any signs of violence or injuries.

"It's still being investigated. If the results of the preliminary examination are out, the results have been released and it turns out that no violence or injuries were found," said Jagakarsa Police Chief Kompol Wahid Key in Jakarta, Friday.

Wahid explained that the body was found by residents floating from the direction of Depok and then stopped at Krukut River. The flow this time is quite heavy.

"Currently, the body is still in Fatmawati Hospital," he said.

From the results of the examination, the woman is estimated to be 30 to 40 years old.

This woman has the initials ID and is a resident of Pancoran, Depok.

According to Wahid, it is possible that the woman's body had been floating in the river for more than three days considering her current condition.

The police have also collected several witnesses, namely several residents around the crime scene (TKP) for questioning.

"They will be questioned, including from the victim's family and friends," he said.

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