JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan carried out the groundbreaking process for the Gembrong Market area, East Jakarta, which caught fire at the end of last April.
Anies named the Gembrong Market area which was starting to be rebuilt with the name Gembira Gembrong Village. There are 136 units which will later be built on an area of 1,200 square meters at a cost of Rp7.8 billion.
This village development budget is a collective result collected by the DKI Jakarta Baznas Bazis, especially during the collection of infaq and sadaqah during the Eid prayer at JIS in early May.
"Those gathered in this place are all of us who with faith, God willing, will be able to rebuild this Gembrong Village. In fact, the plan to name it is Gembira Gembrong Village, to show that joy and joy will exist in this village," said Anies at the location, Friday, July 1st.
Anies targets the redevelopment of Gembrong Village to be completed in September. The former Minister of Education and Culture said that the concept of developing Kampung Gembira Gembrong would be made facing the river.
"The concept that will be built here will be the concept of facing the river. The river should not be turned behind, the river must be used as the front yard, where we live together," said Anies.
"That way, later this village can become an example of a new village being built. In England it's called a water front. It looks like it faces the water, the water is river water," he continued.
On that occasion, Anies hoped that the people who lived in Gembong Village could return to feeling happiness after previously being trapped in the sadness of losing their homes due to the previous fire.
"God willing, after this village can be rebuilt, all the families in this place will be able to grow their children and make this place a place where children feel happy again," he added.
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