JAKARTA - The National Narcotics Agency of South Jakarta City recommended DJ Joice alias Anisa Choerunnisa and her friends to undergo outpatient rehabilitation for drug abuse cases.

"So we agreed that BNNK recommended that Joice and her friends undergo outpatient rehabilitation at the South Jakarta BNNK," said Head of Rehabilitation of the South Jakarta City National Narcotics Agency (BNNK), Desi Wijayanti, quoting Antara, Thursday, June 30.

In an inquest conducted on Wednesday, June 29, the legal team said DJ Joye was not tied to any drug ring.

"The doctor said DJ used methamphetamine with a recreational addiction level," he said.

Desi explained that DJ Joye and his girlfriend experienced the same level of drug addiction and it was not too severe. Meanwhile, DJ Joye's male friend, Irfan, has a slightly heavy tendency.

They will undergo outpatient rehabilitation starting from five to eight meetings with the BNNK.

"For DJ Joye there are five meetings, for his friend, Irfan, the tendency is a bit heavy, so eight meetings," he said.

Thus, DJ Joye and his friends must report once a week to the South Jakarta BNNK to undergo counseling with doctors and counselors.

Previously, the police revealed that DJ Joye had been taking drugs since 2018. He and his three friends were arrested in a boarding house in North Kemang, South Jakarta, on Monday, June 27 while consuming shabu.

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