JAKARTA - Chairman of the DKI Jakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD), Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, will summon the Thousand Islands Regent Junaedi to ask for an explanation regarding the finding of an illegal helicopter pad or helipad on Panjang Island.

"I plan to summon the regent through Commission A of the DKI DPRD. Since this is the result of an inspection, I will summon him on the 10th floor (room of the Chairperson of the DKI DPRD) with Commission A", said Prasetyo on Panjang Island, Kepualauan Seribu, Thursday, June 30.

In his summons later, Junaedi will ask for an explanation regarding the status of the helipad permit on Panjang Island. If there is an official permit and it generates revenue for the regional treasury, Prasetyo also admits that he doesn't have a problem with it.

"We will not hinder investment in the Thousand Islands. But it must be transparent and by the rules. If he (the regent) can give a clear argument, we will have no problem", he said.

The problem is, based on information received by Prasetyo, this helipad was built and used by a private party. However, it turns out that this utilization was not recorded by the DKI Provincial Government.

"I came to Panjang Island for an inspection. I found out that there was a helipad being used by a private party. If we don't come here, where can we have a helipad? How come there is a helipad in DKI assets, but doesn't report it to us? This is called an illegal helipad, stealth helipad", said Prasetyo.

Prasetyo said that there should be a permit application to the DKI Provincial Government for the use of this government-owned land or asset. Parties who use these assets must also pay a levy that will go into the regional treasury.

"If the helipad is official, every time it lands it gives income to the provincial government, right. But so far it hasn't. He doesn't report transparently that there is a land use in it", said the PDIP politician.

From this finding, Prasetyo suspects that there are elements from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government who are playing with private parties who take advantage of Panjang Island assets.

"There's money in it, boss. Now the question is, where did the money go? Who is it? Who is it? We'll look for it later", he said.

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