JAKARTA - The PAN faction of the DPR will rotate and change the leadership of Commission VIII of the DPR after the inauguration of Yandri Susanto as Deputy Chair of the MPR.

However, the change in the leadership of Commission VIII cannot be implemented immediately because it is still waiting for the hajj season to finish.

"Now it's the hajj season. Mas Yandri and friends at Commission VIII have long been assigned to take care of the supervision of the hajj. Now, this task is very important. Finished first. All hajj implementations must be supervised so that it is successful and all pilgrims are well served," said Chairman of the PAN faction of the DPR Saleh Partaonan Daulay, Thursday, June 30.

"Changes will be made, but it doesn't have to be rushed. This opens up opportunities for other members of the PAN faction to become commission leaders," he continued.

According to Saleh, the PAN faction has many members who are suitable to be chairman of Commission VIII. Especially when viewed from educational background, organization, political experience, and other required capacities.

He hoped that the next chairman of Commission VIII would not lose his capacity to Yandri Susanto.

"Actually, the person already exists. His name will be later. What is clear is that he has been in Muhammadiyah for a long time. He is not new to PAN. He has been pursuing a political career in PAN for a long time," said the North Sumatran legislator.

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