SURABAYA - Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi stated that the Great Surabaya Cadre (KSH) spread in each sub-district was the pioneer of development change in the "City of Heroes", East Java.

"So, I ask them to focus on their respective RTs, so that they can provide information to the city government who is unemployed, who is malnourished, and also lacking," he said during a Casual Chat Together (Ngobras) with hundreds of KSH at the Surabaya Shipping Polytechnic Auditorium. reported by Antara, Wednesday, June 29.

His party wants to build Surabaya with heart and love so that KSHs are asked to focus and be responsible in their respective RTs so that it raises the spirit of mutual cooperation with heart.

He also realized that the government could not build this city alone.

Eri Cahyadi said that the people of Surabaya can prosper and develop themselves because they love their area.

"I met these cadres in several places because I wanted to raise their awareness to help build this Surabaya. Let's build this Surabaya with heart," he said.

Therefore, Eri Cahyadi hopes that when traveling to several sub-districts holding casual conversations, he is treated to various different questions, so that he and the city government officials can be more aware that the Surabaya City Government is not perfect and must make various improvements.

In addition, he continued, so that the ranks of the city government are also aware that in order to make their citizens happy and complete their budget, they must meet with many people.

"Alhamdulillah, by meeting the cadres, we hope to have extraordinary data in the future. Honestly, I want to eliminate MBR, poverty and unemployment in Surabaya. However, I can't work alone, I need residents from this Great Surabaya Cadre to provide information to the city government ," he said.

Mayor Eri Cahyadi said, in order to get closer to the residents of the city of Surabaya, the village heads and sub-district heads have been asked to meet the residents and must be willing to accept the residents' submissions every Friday, 13.00-16.00 WIB.

On Saturday, Mayor Eri also opened a complaint at the Surabaya City Hall, at 09.00-12.00 WIB.

"We do this to show that there is a close relationship between city government officials and their citizens," he said.

Editor : Maximian Hari Atmoko

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