JAKARTA - Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono hopes that the new Commander of the Presidential Security Forces (Danpaspampres) TNI First Marshal (Marsma) Wahyu Hidayat Sudjatmiko can carry out the task of coordinating presidential security well.

"Hopefully, we can coordinate well in carrying out the security duties of the President of the Republic of Indonesia along with the First Lady and her family," said Heru, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 29.

According to Heru, these tasks require agility because of their high dynamics.

"Where tasks continue to await with a fairly high dynamic and every time the situation is different," continued Heru.

Heru believes that Marsma TNI Wahyu Hidayat Sudjatmiko can carry out his mandate and duties well.

The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, General TNI Andika Perkasa, has transferred 180 high-ranking officers (pati) within the TNI, on land, sea and air.

The transfers and promotions are contained in the Decree of the TNI Commander Number Kep/558/VI/2022, dated 27 June 2022. The TNI Commander Decree was signed by the Head of the General Secretariat (Setum) of the TNI, Brigadier General (Brigjen) Edy Rochmatullah.

Of the 180 pati transferred and promoted, among them the position of Pangdam VI/Mulawarman is now filled by Major General TNI Tri Budi Utomo, who previously served as Commander of the Presidential Security Forces (Danpaspampres).

Next, the position of Danpaspampres is now held by the First Marshal (Marsma) of the TNI, Wahyu Hidayat Sudjatmiko, who was previously the Deputy of Danpaspampres.

TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa has led the handover of six strategic positions within the TNI at TNI Headquarters Cilangkap, East Jakarta, on Wednesday.

The six positions are Head of the Strategic Intelligence Agency (Kabais) of the TNI from Lt. Gen. Joni Supriyanto to Lt. Gen. Rudianto, and Territorial Assistant (Aster) to the TNI Commander from Maj. Gen. Sapriadi to Maj. Gen. Purwo Sudaryanto.

Head of the Center for Strategic Studies, Research, and Development (Kapusjianstralitbang) TNI from Major General TNI Jhonny Djamaris to Brigadier General Agape Zacharia RD, Head of History Center (Kapusjarah) TNI from Brigadier General Triwahyu Mutaqin Akbar to Brigadier General Rusmili.

In addition, the Head of the Center for Reform and Bureaucracy (Kapus RB) of the TNI from Marsma TNI Rudi Faisal to Colonel Cpl Arif Hendro Djatmiko Hadi Soewigyo and Commander of the Detachment Headquarters (Dandenma) TNI Headquarters from Brigadier General TNI (Mar.) Oni Junianto to Marsma TNI Bonang Bayuaji.

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