JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, asked residents to ensure that the sacrificial animals to be slaughtered during Eid are in good health and meet the requirements to be used as sacrificial animals.

Chairman of the Central Lombok MUI H Minggre Hammy in Praya, Wednesday, said the sacrificial animals must be ensured to be free from diseases, including mouth and nail diseases.

Animals that want to be sacrificed are advised to have an Animal Health Certificate (SKKH) from the Department of Agriculture and Livestock.

"Livestock entrepreneurs must sell healthy cows for sacrifice. Residents must also buy healthy cattle," said Hammy, Wednesday, June 29, quoted from Antara.

"SKKH will not be able to come out if (the cattle) are not really in good health," he added.

He explained that the sacrificial animals must also meet the age requirements, namely two years for cows, one year for goats, and six months for sheep.

In addition, animals that are recommended for sacrifice are those that are fat and perfect, complete with limbs, and are not disabled.

Head of the Central Lombok Agriculture and Livestock Service, Lalu Taufikurahman, said that the stock of sacrificial animals in Central Lombok was still safe.

"The livestock population in Central Lombok currently reaches 300 thousand heads so that the needs of sacrificial animals can be met," he said.

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