KUDUS - PT Pertamina sanctioned a gas station in Kudus Regency, Central Java, for violating the rules in distributing pertalite as a special assignment type BBM product (JBKP) by serving consumers who modified the fuel tank. Bae, Kudus Regency for being proven to sell Pertalite products to consumers with vehicles that modify fuel tanks for resale," said Area Manager Communication, Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Central Java Region of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Brasto Galih Nugroho in Kudus, Tuesday, June 28. He emphasized that Pertamina would not hesitate to impose strict sanctions on gas stations that were proven to have committed violations, especially related to the distribution of subsidized fuel products or those assigned by the government, such as pertalite. In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 37. K/HK.02/MEM.M/2022 concerning Types of Special Fuel Assignment, namely pertalite products have been designated as JBKP since January 1, 2022, quotas and distribution are regulated by the government. Pertalite sales are only devoted to final consumers, namely motorized vehicles, except for people who work as farmers supported by a letter of recommendation from the local government. To keep the distribution of JBKP pertalite products on target, Pertamina prohibits the buying and selling of pertalite with jerry cans or cars with modified fuel tanks for resale so that distribution is right on target. pertalite products on June 25 - July 8 2022. However, the gas station still provides other types of gasoline fuel products, namely Pertamax and Pertamax Turbo.

"We hope that this sanction can provide a deterrent effect, both to the gas station and other gas stations in order to maintain the mandate given by the government and Pertamina in distributing assigned fuel products and subsidies so that distribution is right on target," he said. , then there are still three gas stations nearby. These include gas station 4458104 (Peganjaran) on North Ring Road 1.87 kilometers away, gas station on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman which is 2.68 kilometers away, and the other gas station is 2 km away. Brasto invites the public and consumers to support the distribution of pertalite products on target, one of which is by using quality fuel products according to the type of vehicle. If the public finds practices that are indicated to violate the rules, he explained, they are welcome to report and inform law enforcement officials or Pertamina through the Pertamina call center number 135. Previously, PT Pertamina also imposed sanctions on the Matahari gas station on Jalan Ahmad Yani Kudus for serving buyers who use jerry cans so that he gets a sanction for not getting a pertalite supply from 16-29 June 2022.

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