JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR will review the discourse on legalizing the use of marijuana for medical or medical purposes by first listening to the opinions of health experts, both doctors and pharmacologists (pharmacists).

Member of Commission III of the DPR RI, Arsul Sani, emphasized that his party would be careful in discussing this issue. Especially about the rules related to the legalization of marijuana even for medical purposes.

"We will of course study it carefully. We will listen to the opinions of health experts, both doctors and pharmacologists,” said Arsul at the Parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, June 28.

In the meantime, continued Arsul, Commission III of the DPR has not been able to decide whether to reject or agree with the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes.

"Of course we can't rush to accept or reject the possibility of legalizing marijuana for treatment," explained the PPP Deputy.

Even so, Arsul asserted, the DPR will not conduct a study on the legalization of marijuana if it is aimed at mere pleasure, as is the case in a number of countries.

"Commission III of the DPR will strictly not legalize marijuana for pleasure, cannabis for leisure," said Arsul.

Previously, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco Ahmad said that his party would immediately review and consider the legality of using marijuana for treatment.

"Indeed, the public's demand for medical marijuana is quite large lately, especially referring to the outside world who have used marijuana for treatment," said Dasco at the Parliament Complex, Tuesday, June 28.

Dasco said the DPR will coordinate with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) and the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) to classify the types of marijuana that can be used for medical purposes. After that, said Dasco, the DPR will only discuss the legality of medical Ganjar which will be regulated in legislation if it can be used.

"In Indonesia, the law still doesn't allow for that, (so) we need to study it. Then we also need to coordinate with related parties such as BNN, the Ministry of Health. We also don't know what medical marijuana is classified as," explained Dasco.

"If you take the wrong type of marijuana, for example, later it will not be good for treatment but will be detrimental. Therefore, we need a comprehensive study and also need the involvement of all parties to decide whether this medical marijuana can be done in Indonesia or not," he continued.

The daily chairman of the Gerindra DPP emphasized that the leadership of the DPR will instruct Commission IX of the DPR to immediately coordinate with relevant parties to discuss whether or not it is possible to use medical marijuana in Indonesia.

"We will ask the relevant commissions to coordinate with the government to pay attention to the aspirations of the people," said Dasco.

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