SERANG – The Banten Police have made preparations ahead of the 2024 General Election. By holding training and simulations on city security (Sispamkota), the personnel are practicing how to deal with demonstrators that led to violence.

"Banten Police today held a Sispamkota exercise to warm up for the political year," said Head of Banten Police Humas Kombes Shinto Silitonga, Tuesday, June 28, at around 08.00 WIB.

The Sispamkota exercise was attended by the Deputy Kapolda of Banten, Brigadier General Ery Nursatari, along with the PJU of the Banten Police and was attended by 450 Banten Police personnel, involving personnel from various work units, including the Satbrimob, Ditsabhara, and female police as a team of negotiators.

"Today's City Sispam scenario is a demonstration that ends in anarchy in front of the Banten Provincial KPU Office," said Ery.

Ery witnessed how the handling of police personnel in dealing with changing situations leading to red escalation, from calm demonstration situations, experiencing tension to anarchy with stone-throwing and even looting.

"It is important for the Kotai Sispam to continue to be trained in order to prepare personnel whose composition is only 50% of the ideal conditions at the Banten Police to face real tasks during demonstrations in the upcoming elections," said Ery.

Ery also emphasized that the duties of Banten Police personnel in the future will be more difficult after entering the stages of the 2024 General Election.

"The task of the Banten Police in the future will definitely be more difficult, so personnel need to be prepared from an early age through routine exercises and continuous physical development," said Ery.

Ery said the first appearance in City Sispam this time is still a general picture for personnel.

"This inaugural performance is still general in nature, in real conditions, personnel may come face-to-face with angry demonstrators, kick shields, throw stones and other hard objects at personnel, so that in this exercise the mentality of the personnel needs to be prepared, and improvements need to be made. for perfection in the actual implementation of City Sispam,” explained Ery.

He emphasized the importance of personnel understanding how to act in every stage of the existing situation, until the shift from a green situation to a red condition.

"Personnel must understand what is meant by a green situation and how to act properly, and what personnel should do in an escalation to a red situation, anarchic conditions with acts of violence and looting, personnel will certainly have no doubts if the exercise continues," said Ery.

In addition, routine checks on equipment and motorized vehicles that will be used in the task also play an important role.

"For personnel who are in control of every motorized vehicle and official equipment, so as not to neglect to always check every component of the official vehicle and equipment, so that it can be ensured to work properly when used," he explained.

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