JAKARTA - The application of fines for vehicles that do not pass the emission test in DKI Jakarta has not been implemented.

The head of the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency, Asep Kuswanto, said that the ticketing sanctions had not been applied because the achievement of vehicles that had carried out emission tests was still low.

The number of vehicles in Jakarta, based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) per 2021 reached 21 million.

Meanwhile, until now, there are only 649,000 cars and 58 motorcycles that have carried out emission tests.

"So when it comes to fines, we are still coordinating with the Regional Police, because we know that the number of vehicles being tested for emissions is still not that many, they are still few," Asep told reporters, Sunday, June 26.

One way for the DKI Provincial Government to increase vehicle emission testing is to include it as a condition for the STNK renewal.

If the vehicle has not passed the emission test, then the STNK extension cannot be carried out.

"Samsat cooperates with the DKI Provincial Government, in the process of extending the STNK, vehicles that do not pass the test, the STNK extension cannot be granted. So, at least the deterrent effect will be felt when they renew the STNK," said Asep.

As is known, in the last few days, Jakarta has often been the most polluted city in the world in terms of IQ Water observations.

In this condition, the Executive Director of the Jakarta Forum for the Environment (Walhi) Suci Fitria Tanjung views that the government has not been serious in controlling air pollution in the capital city.

In fact, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, has initiated the Jakarta Langit Biru program as an effort to improve air quality.

This program is stated in the DKI Governor's Instruction Number 66 of 2019 concerning Air Quality Control.

However, Suci said the poor air quality is a sign that the DKI Provincial Government needs to evaluate their policies. One of them is the emission test which has been tested since January 2021.

In the implementation of the trial, officers checked the vehicles that passed on 24 roads by measuring the exhaust gases of motorized vehicles.

Vehicles that have carried out emission tests and are declared to have passed will be asked to continue their journey. If you do not pass, you will be given a warning.

For this, Suci urges the government to immediately complete the trial period and immediately take action in the form of fines for vehicles that do not pass the emission test.

Because, it turns out that there are very few vehicles that have passed the emission test at this time.

"Emission tests should be encouraged to accelerate the ticketing. There must be strict legal action. So, people feel obliged to carry out emission tests," Suci said.

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