TASIKMALAYA - Three people were reported killed in a single accident on a tourism bus, a group of teachers and staff at SDN Sayang, Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency. A bus enters a ravine in the Rajapolah area, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java.

The Acting Head of the Traffic Unit of the Tasikmalaya City Police, IPTU Soni Alamsyah, confirmed that the PO City Trans Utama bus number B 7701 TGA had an accident that left three people dead, and a number of other passengers injured.

"In the accident three people died," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, June 25.

He said the bus driven by Dedi Kurnia, a resident of Jatinangor, Sumedang Regency, had an accident while traveling from Bandung to Tasikmalaya in Cirendeu Village, Manggungsari Village, Rajapolah District, at around 01.00 WIB.

The bus carrying 59 passengers, he said, was about to go to Pangandaran Regency, but in the middle of the journey there was an accident that caused two passengers and the bus driver to die at the scene.

Other bus passengers were immediately taken to the nearest puskesmas, some were taken to a hospital in Tasikmalaya City for further medical treatment.

According to the results of the crime scene, the accident was suspected because the driver was sleepy and then drove out of control until he finally entered a ravine with a depth of about 10 meters.

"The driver was in a sleepy condition and couldn't control himself until he fell into a ravine of approximately 10 meters," he said.

The police and other officers tried to evacuate the bus that was in the ravine so that it would not become a public spectacle which could cause congestion on the Bandung-Tasikmalaya highway.

The police also diverted the flow of vehicular traffic from the city of Tasikmalaya to Garut and vice versa to break up the density on the national road.

"We have diverted the flow from the city of Tasikmalaya to Garut and from Bandung to Garut," he said.

It is known that the tourism bus carrying the group was about to go to Pangandaran Regency for the purpose of traveling, but in the middle of the trip there was an accident.

Police are still conducting further investigations regarding the incident that caused the death toll.

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