Central Java - Deputy Governor of Central Java (Central Java Deputy Governor) Taj Yasin Maimoen appreciated the efforts of the Central Java Provincial Bawaslu to involve Scout organizations as participatory supervisors in the 2024 General Election.

"I am happy with starting early, introducing the stages of the election and of course with that learning, what is the importance of elections," said the Deputy Governor in Semarang, Friday, June 24.

According to the Deputy Governor, the election is not just a place for the people's democratic party, but also to determine the progress of the nation for the next 5 years.

Through the Scout movement, he hopes to be able to oversee the 2024 General Election and provide insight to the community to determine a better leader.

Gus Yasin, as the Deputy Governor is familiarly called, emphasized that the election was not a replacement, but a continuation of previous policies, especially in improving people's welfare.

Scout members who become election supervisors will receive briefing from Bawaslu in order to understand various electoral regulations before going into the field as supervisors.

The Coordinator of the Public Relations and Inter-institutional Relations Division of the Central Java Bawaslu Province, Rofiudin, hopes that the community will be enthusiastic and take an active role in overseeing all stages of the election by registering as observers for the 2024 Election.

"Monitors or supervisors are very important to participate in monitoring the election because the election belongs to the people. Elections are part of upholding the sovereignty of the people," he said.

Monitoring and supervision of all stages of the upcoming elections, he continued, must be together so that the democratic party can comply with existing regulations

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