JAKARTA - Komnas Perempuan encourages the National Police Chief to immediately issue guidelines on the investigation and investigation of women's cases in conflict with the law.

This was conveyed by Komnas Perempuan Chair Andy Yentriyani in a discussion entitled Press Briefing on International Anti-Torture Day, which was attended in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, June 24.

"We hope that soon there will be guidelines issued by the National Police Chief following the same guidelines as the Supreme Court and the Attorney General's Office for the investigation of women in conflict with the law so that this can also be part of the prevention of sexual torture," he said.

According to him, the existence of guidelines on the investigation and investigation of cases of women dealing with the law is an effort to prevent sexual torture of women who are in conflict with the law.

This is important because his party is still finding the case of a teenage girl who was raped in detention in North Maluku.

"There is also a case where a child of a detained father then has sexual relations with the assumption that if he (the child) does that, his father's detention or sentence will be reduced," he said.

In another case, he continued, several years ago, photos of female prisoners were circulated in indecent conditions.

"A woman who was being detained was then photographed and the photo went viral in what we consider to be morally charged. That also includes sexual torture," he said.

Komnas Perempuan sees the importance of ensuring that investigators understand and apply a gender perspective in their duties and that there is no gender discrimination in the legal process in Indonesia.

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