JAKARTA - The first lady of the United States (US), Melania Trump, made her first appearance in a campaign to support her husband to run for the second time in the US Presidential election in Pennsylvania. No kidding, Melanie immediately praised her husband, Donald Trump, as a fighter. Uniquely, Melania also offers full assistance to those who are victims of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Donald is a fighter. He loves this country and he fights for you every day," he was quoted as saying by CNA, Wednesday, October 28.

Then, his first appearance on the campaign stage was greeted with great fanfare by Trump's supporters. Moreover, Melania promised to offer assistance to the families of more than 225 thousand US citizens who died from the virus from Wuhan.

"I know there are many people who have lost loved ones or know people who have been infected by this silent enemy. My family's thoughts and prayers are with you all through this difficult time. We will win over this virus," said Melania.

Not only that, Melania even seemed to make the campaign atmosphere even more roaring by alluding to her husband's behavior in interacting on Twitter. Melania joked that she admits there is an unwelcome part of the way Trump chirps because it often provokes emotions.

"For the first time in history, citizens of this country can hear directly and quickly from its president every day via social media. I don't always agree with the way he says things," said Melania, drawing laughter from the audience.

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