TANIMBAR - A resident who was reported missing in the waters of Lingat Village, Selaru District, Tanimbar Islands Regency, Maluku Province, was found dead on Wednesday 22 June. Rocky Jeles Hulkyawar (32) and the long boat he was using were found on Wednesday, June 22 at 22.00 WIT not far from the seaweed cultivation area. Masratuama Wera sea, which is about five kilometers from his house, on Wednesday, June 22 at 10:00 WIT. Rocky's father asked residents for help in finding his son because he could not find his son at the seaweed cultivation site when they followed him at around 12.00 WIT. reports from the family about the incident at 19.30 WIT and immediately moved residents to search. "Sea motors that are docked or sailing the Lingat-Saumlaki route are all used to navigate the waters of Lingat Village," Adolof said, quoted by Antara. Adaut, the capital of Selaru Subdistrict.​​​​​​However, before assistance from the sub-district and district governments arrived, residents had found the victim's body. there was a bloody impact mark on his head. "The people of Lingat call this condition snyoli or the crash of a big wave," he said. Rocky's body was buried at the Lingat Village Public Cemetery on Thursday 23 June.

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