PEKANBARU - The law enforcement process over the assault case in Kampar Regency, Riau Province, Sunday, June 19, will continue despite the dualism conflict over the management of the Village Unit Cooperative (KUD) Iyo Basamo in Terantang Village, Tambang District, the mediation has been successful. Pol Sunarto in Pekanbaru, Wednesday, June 22, stated that his party is committed to taking law enforcement steps against the perpetrators who have been arrested. more witnesses," explained Sunarto when interviewed at the Riau Police Headquarters quoted by Antara. Currently, Riau Police investigators are still carrying out investigations to develop an investigation into the case to find out who the mastermind was who invited them. One of them is Navy, who has been named a suspect. Separately, the Kampar Police and the Kampar Customary Institution (LAK) succeeded in mediating the conflicting parties regarding the dualism of the management of KUD Iyo Basamo, Monday 20 June. At the beginning of the attack on the people who occupied the oil palm plantation, at KUD Iyo Basamo. In order to straighten out the problem, mediation was carried out at the Kampar Customary Institution Building to end the conflict in the Iyo Basamo Cooperative peacefully. The agreement stated that both parties agreed to immediately vacate the land. For the time being, the management of the cooperative has been declared frozen and its operations have been taken over by PTPN-V until it awaits the decision on the cassation.

“The terms of this agreement have been agreed and then signed by the two warring parties. We urge all parties to respect this agreement, no one is allowed to commit acts of violence in order to create a safe and conducive situation," said Kampar Police Chief AKBP Rido Purba. (19/6) at around 15.30 WIB which caused dozens of residents to be injured. One of the residents of Terantang Village, Zaki (20) was injured in the head due to a sword slash brought by a group of men who attacked him. At that time Zaki who was in a palm oil field tried to block a group of a man who wanted to break into a palm oil plantation in Terantang Village. Unable to accept being confronted by the locals, a group of men, estimated to be 70 people, forcibly broke through with samurai and iron batons. This of course caused residents to be injured and immediately rushed to the Riau Police Bhayangkara Hospital.

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