JAKARTA - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the statement of former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad regarding the claims of the Riau Islands baseless, asserting that the Riau Islands would remain the property of Indonesia.

Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Teuku Faizasyah, said in a written statement that the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia was determined based on the principles and provisions of applicable international law.

"Indonesia does not see the legal basis and reasons for Tun Mahathir's statement," he wrote in a Foreign Ministry statement, as quoted on Wednesday, June 22.

"In the midst of a world situation that is facing many challenges, a senior politician should not make baseless statements that can undermine friendships," he continued.

He added, "it should be emphasized that the Riau Archipelago is the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and will always be the territory of the Republic of Indonesia."

Previously reported, former Malaysian PM Mahathir Mohamad said Malaysia should claim Singapore and the Riau Islands as part of the Malay Land. Mahathir made this statement because according to him, Singapore and Riau are part of the Malay Land which has historical relations with Malaysia.

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