MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution encouraged all regional apparatus organizations (OPD), sub-districts, and urban villages to accelerate the reduction of stunting rates through integrated programs in this area. said Head of the Medan City Population Control and Family Planning Agency Suryadi Panjaitan in Medan as reported by Antara, Monday, June 20. Bobby Nasution said, according to the mandate of Presidential Regulation No. 72/2021 concerning acceleration of stunting reduction, it must be done holistically, integratively, and with quality. In Medan City, continued Bobby Nasution, a team of 1,016 family companions or 3,048 people has been formed consisting of health workers and midwives. counseling for residents to prevent stunting in children under five years in all districts Atan. According to Bobby Nasution, stunting reduction efforts are carried out through two interventions, namely specific nutrition to address the direct causes of stunting and sensitive nutrition that addresses indirect causes of stunting. "It will be more effective if these two interventions are carried out in an integrated manner," said Suryadi. Head of the Medan City Regional Development Planning Agency Benny Iskandar said his party had conducted a situation analysis which showed that as of February 2022 there were 550 stunting toddlers in this area. 87 billion more," he said. He stated that the budget of more than Rp. 14.87 billion was for the handling of 550 stunting toddlers, consisting of specific nutrition interventions of Rp. 2.67 billion and sensitive nutrition interventions of Rp. 12.2 billion.

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