JAKARTA - The headmaster of this school could be a true hero. If he wasn't there, maybe the students at his school would eat foods that had been mixed with human waste intentionally.

The incident occurred on October 8, 2021. Initially, the headmaster was testing some kind of side dish from the lunch menu that day. The food was planned to be eaten first in the staff room.

But the headmaster was suspicious of the strange smell and discoloration. He immediately canceled eating for everyone and handed the food over to the community health center for inspection.

The result is surprising. The food contains E. coli bacteria. Even though the food was made in a separate central facility, no other school had traces of dirt in their food.

Thanks to the keen senses and swift action of the headmaster, none of the students or members of his staff were exposed to the contaminated food and as a result, did not suffer any illness. Subsequent investigations led back to the staff member, although it is not clear what his motive was or how he managed to mix feces into the food.

The public was clearly surprised by this finding. But they were more surprised to find out that the headmaster also sometimes checks lunch before everyone in the school eats it, quoted from Japan Today, Sunday, June 19.

"That's too scary."

"The headmaster was just amazing."

"Who knew it would be useful if the headmaster tested the food before it was served?"

"The headmaster seriously checks the school lunch for poison every day?!"

"I remember hearing about the headmaster doing that, but I never knew it was real."

"This is the first time I've heard the headmaster's food inspection was successful!"

"Is there so much in there that you can tell just by smelling and looking at it?!"

"I wonder if he targeted the headmaster directly."

On June 13, the 20-year-old perpetrator in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture, was charged in court.

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