JAKARTA – Drivers are expected to always apply the principles of safe driving while driving on the highway. This statement was delivered by the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the Police.

"Every time we ride a motorcycle, the car must be safe driving, it is attached at any time. We must go out on the road to safety on the road, we must be safe on the road," said Head of the Sub-Directorate of Standards for Prevention and Action, Directorate of Security and Safety of the National Police Korlantas Kombes Pol Mohammad Tora in Jakarta, to Antara, Friday 17 June.

Tora said people must continue to be mature in traffic through discipline and obedience in driving. All driving techniques, he said, must be complied with by drivers for mutual safety.

It is undeniable, that currently there are still many people who ignore driving safety, such as still using flip-flops when riding a motorcycle, not wearing a helmet, or not turning on the motorcycle's headlights.

In fact, these things are important to maintain personal safety while driving. To that end, Tora asked the public to continue to learn and understand the procedures for safe driving on the highway.

"How can our community continue to learn to drive so that there is no discussion of flip-flops, light on, turn signal right, changing lanes and so on.... So we are intensively working with other training institutes on how to campaign so that people study before the exam SIM, or already have a driver's license must continue to learn, "he said.

Meanwhile, Training Director and Founder of Jakarta Defensive Driving Consulting (JDDC) Jusri Pulubuhu emphasized the importance of safe driving knowledge for drivers.

With adequate knowledge, drivers will have self-awareness to be orderly and obedient while driving.

"On the road, it is how we interact without any clashes, without any irritation, without any anger. So what must be done is knowledge. As abroad, their knowledge is high so that orderly traffic is their need, even without the police. As in There is no police in Singapore," he said.

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