MEDAN - The Secretary of the Medan City PKS DPD Rudiyanto Simangungsong responded to the statement of Deputy Governor Gerindra Fadli Zon which insinuated Akhyar Nasution's failure while serving as deputy mayor and acting mayor of Medan. Fadli Zon's comments were said to be shameless in the midst of the Medan Pilkada contest.

"Yesterday there were national figures who were also assigned to Medan, the comments were also not shady. Now there are also national figures whose comments tend not to be shady," said Rudiyanto, confirmed by VOI Tuesday, October 27.

He hopes that the national figures assigned to win Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman will not just comment. PKS together with Democrats are the bearers of Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfirisi in the Medan Pilkada.

"I don't think there will be a third, fourth and fifth person to comment on things they don't know about Medan City. It should be sent to Medan for shade, not chaos," he said.

The head of the PKS DPRD Medan faction asked everyone to comment according to their experience.

"They have been managing politics for decades, of course they have been able to quit politicians, meaning why not become statesmen. Look at something from a positive perspective, don't always be negative," he hoped.

But Rudiyanto is still grateful for the input given by Fadli Zon. According to him, Fadli Zon's comments are a personal assessment.

"I respect Abangda Fadli Zon as a national figure, but Akhyar-Salman is an experienced person. So we leave this Medan to someone with experience to manage it," he explained.

"Akhyar has experience in the bureaucracy and the legislature. Of course the 2.2 million Medanese with a large budget must be managed by experienced people," said Rudiyanto.

Previously, Fadli Zon invited Medan residents to support the candidate for mayor-deputy mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution-Aulia Rachman. This is because Medan under Akhyar Nasution's leadership when he was acting mayor (Plt) was considered unable to bring about change.

According to Fadli Zon, Medan City is still covered with a myriad of problems. Starting from floods, dirty environments, bad city planning, corruption, unemployment, high crime rates. Then also drug trafficking, inequality and social inequality are so contrasting.

"The public thinks that Medan is like that, synonymous with problems that have not been resolved until now. Medan must change, Bobby-Aulia will definitely be able to change the face of Medan for the better," said Fadli.

Fadli assessed that the change in the face of the city of Medan would only be possible if the leader was willing to move, he loved the people and the city.

"Pak Akhyar has been given the opportunity, but the situation in Medan is getting worse. Therefore, Medan residents must support Bobby-Aulia so that Medan changes and is a blessing," said Fadli Zon.

Pilkada 2020

The Regional Head Election or Pilkada 2020 will be special compared to other democratic parties. The 2020 Pilkada will go down in history because this democratic party was held when Indonesia was still in an emergency period for the spread of COVID-19.

To provide legal certainty regarding the implementation of health protocols in the implementation of the 2020 Pilkada, the government has issued General Election Commission (KPU) Regulation Number 6 of 2020 or PKPU No. 6/2020. The regulation contains rules for implementing health protocols at each stage of the Pilkada.

The KPU has also prepared a simulation of the voting process to counting votes at polling stations by implementing the COVID-19 prevention health protocol that involves the COVID-19 Handling Task Force. In its application, the KPU must prioritize the use of digital media in socialization or campaigns. In addition, the KPU also limits the face-to-face socialization participants and limits the number of masses who accompany the registration process for candidate pilkada participants to the KPU.

Apart from the organizers, political parties and prospective candidates who will attend the registration are also required to apply health protocols. One of its applications is the submission of registration documents for the candidate pair Pilkada which is regulated by Article 49 Paragraph (1) PKPU 6/2020.

The regulation stipulates that the documents submitted must be wrapped in a material that is resistant to liquid substances. Then before being accepted by the officer, the document was sprayed first with a disinfectant liquid.

Under the regulation, document receiving officers are required to wear personal protective equipment in the form of masks and disposable gloves. Other rules: limit the number of people in the room; crowd-making is prohibited; submission of documents must be spaced and queued; all parties brought their respective stationery; avoiding physical contact; provision of adequate sanitation facilities; and the room where the activities are kept clean.

Apart from the registration process, the campaign and voting will also be different from normal conditions. In the campaign process, the health protocol rules are listed in Articles 57-64.

What will feel the most different in the 2020 Pilkada is that candidate pairs must limit themselves to meeting the general public as much as possible. The regulation also regulates public discussions that must be held in broadcasting studios. Supporters are not allowed to attend these events.

To realize this regulation, the government has added a budget for the 2020 Pilkada. Based on data from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) at the end of last August, the total regional election budget was Rp. 15.22 trillion. Meanwhile, the amount disbursed by the regional government was Rp. 12.01 trillion or 92.05 percent. So there is still 7.95 percent or Rp1.21 trillion that has not been disbursed.

This amount includes an additional budget as a cost to anticipate the spread of COVID-19. For the General Election Commission (KPU), the additional budget is IDR 4.7 trillion, Bawaslu IDR 478 billion, and the Honorary Board of Election Administrators (DKPP) IDR 39 billion, supported by the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

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