JAYAPURA - The legal process for five people who were proven to have abused narcotics in Jayapura was resolved by restorative justice. They were not immediately released, but were appointed as ambassadors for the Kamtibmas Polresta Jayapura City.

The five Kamtibmas ambassadors are RNT, MP, YP, RI, and ZS. During their time as Kamtibmas Ambassadors, they are tasked with providing socialization to the community about the importance of maintaining Kamtibmas.

"They provide socialization on the dangers of narcotics abuse because apart from harming themselves and their families, they also deal with the law and end up in prisons," said Jayapura City Police Narcotics Head Iptu Alamsah in Jayapura, quoted from Antara, Thursday, June 16.

This activity has been carried out since Wednesday, June 15, by visiting public facilities and giving them counseling about the dangers of drugs.

Iptu Alam acknowledged that the Kamtibmas Ambassador program was initiated by the Chief of Police AKBP Victor Mackbon to provide a deterrent effect and social sanctions to lawbreakers.

Including, he said, providing education to the public through appeals socialized by the Kamtibmas Ambassador.

"In carrying out their activities, the Kamtibmas Ambassadors are accompanied by Bhabinkamtibmas and members of the Jayapura City Police," said Iptu Alam.

The five of them received restorative justice and were appointed as Kamtibmas Ambassadors after making a statement and being obliged to report to the Jayapura City Police.

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