MAKASSAR - The police have named 13 suspects in the burning of the ambulance and the attack on the NasDem office during a riot on Jalan AP Pettarani, Makassar, South Sulawesi.

"From the results of the case title, 13 people have been named as suspects in the case of destroying the NasDem office and burning an ambulance," said South Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Merdysyam at a press conference at the Makassar Police Headquarters, Jalan Ahmad Yani, Monday, October 26.

The police previously investigated 21 people related to the riot in Pettarani, Makassar. Until finally the police named 13 suspects on suspicion of Article 170 paragraph 1 and Article 187 in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code.

Kapolda said of the 13 suspects, 3 of them were minors, namely A (17), As, (17) and Rj (16).

While the other 10 suspects, Sp (24), Maa (24), Ma (18), Ir, Ms, Mr (24), Mrn (18), Amr (18), Amt (18) Student) and Am (21) .

"The suspect has been detained and the underage suspect has been handed over to the child rehabilitation office, and investigators are still finalizing the case file to be submitted to the public prosecutor," said the Kapolda.

This chaos occurred when a demonstration by students calling themselves the Makassar Student Alliance (MAKAR) and the Makassar People's Movement blocked Jalan AP Pettarani, Makassar, Thursday, October 22 evening. The crowd then rioted around Pettarani.

The mob pushed an ambulance from the NasDem office and set it on fire in the middle of the road. The Makassar NasDem office was also damaged due to stone throwing.

The crowd, according to the police, also damaged the CCTV at the T-junction of Jalan Raya Pendidikan-AP Pettarani using bamboo and stones. They also threw a billboard in front of the Telkom complex using Molotov.

In addition, anarchist mob damaged 4 mini-market lamps. The three entry posts for the Hotel Claro Makassar were also thrown stones, including the BNI Bank ATM.

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