BENGKULU - The Livestock and Animal Health Service of Bengkulu Province revealed that hundreds of cows in the province were identified as infected with mouth and foot disease (PMK). from the Laboratory of Veterinary Center of Lampung Province. The hundreds of cows came from three districts in Bengkulu Province, namely Rejang Lebong Regency as many as 63 heads, Kepahiang Regency more than 300 heads and North Bengkulu Regency one cow.

In Kepahiang Regency, as many as 300 cattle came from one village, namely Tangsi Baru Village, Kebawetan District and in Rejang Lebong Regency from Air Meles Bawah Village, East Curup District.

Meanwhile, in North Bengkulu Regency, he came from Kemumu District and was suspected of being infected with FMD while at a slaughterhouse.

Syarkawi said that the transmission of PMK in Bengkulu Province was suspected to be from goats originating from Lubuk Linggau City, South Sumatra Province (Sumsel). Thus, the areas that were declared infected with FMD have been closed and the animals in the village are prohibited from leaving the area. Bengkulu Province was asked not to worry about the spread of the FMD, because the disease does not attack or is dangerous to humans.

He said that people are allowed to consume beef that is affected by FMD, but for the mouth, tongue, nose, lower legs, and beef innards, it is forbidden to eat them.

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