JAYAPURA - The Regent of Intan Jaya, Natalis Tabuni, admitted that security disturbances have been the cause of delays in services to the community, especially in the fields of health and education.

Natalis Tabuni said health services and teaching and learning activities currently only occur in the district capital and several surrounding villages.

The security factor, which is often not conducive, causes paramedics and teachers to be afraid when they are on duty out of town.

They even chose to be sanctioned rather than carry out their duties in areas prone to security disturbances, said the Tabuni Regent.

Admittedly, his party cannot force it because it involves human life so that it maximizes existing education in a relatively safe area.

"We can't force it because it involves human life," said Tabuni Regent as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 15.

The Papuan DPRD member, Thomas Songgonau, also acknowledged the same thing, who was concerned about the lack of public services, both health and education, in Intan Jaya.

Currently, public services are centered in the district capital, so people in the village must go to the capital city for treatment.

"I hope that the security disturbances in Intan Jaya will gradually recover so that the community can receive health services and the children can return to school," said Thomas Songgonau.

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