JAKARTA - The circulation of illegal cigarettes is still rampant in Central Java. 'Touching' the consciousness of its citizens, the Kudus Regency Satpol PP responded to the shadow puppet and ketoprak performances by inserting a message to stay away from illegal cigarettes.

Head of the Satpol PP Satpol Linmas, Hasan Asyari, said that the art media was chosen so that the messages conveyed were easily accepted and understood by the local community. The socialization of the message was held in several locations.

Hasan explained that the Ketoprak performance was held in Kandangmas Village on Wednesday, June 15; Karangbener Village on Wednesday 29 June, and Undaan Tengah on Wednesday 20 July.

Meanwhile, shadow puppets in Kedungsari Village on Wednesday 22 June and Garung Lor Village on Wednesday 13 July.

He admitted, trying to innovate by collaborating with traditional arts actors who are close to the community in the hope that the material will be conveyed and the community is also enthusiastic about participating in the socialization so it doesn't seem ceremonial.

The budget, he said, was sourced from tobacco excise revenue-sharing (DBHCHT) with a total budget of IDR 500 million.

While the speakers who were presented included those from the Customs and Excise Supervision and Service Office (KPPBC) for the Middle Type of Custody of Kudus, the sub-district leadership communication forum (Forkopincam), and the Satpol PP.

The ketoprak art performance also raises stories related to the rejection of the circulation of illegal cigarettes.

The Head of Kudus Ketoprak Art Supardiyono appreciated the steps taken by the Kudus Satpol PP to collaborate with ketoprak artists to be part of socializing the eradication of illegal cigarettes.

"The story that I bring must also be adapted to the theme carried by the message and an invitation to the public to participate in the fight against the circulation of illegal cigarettes," he said.

At the ketoprak stage, he said, he told about Roro Mendut, who at that time was proud of his cigarettes, but some were illegal, so they had to be fought because they were detrimental to the state.

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