MADIUN - Madiun Class II-A Youth Correctional Institution (Lapas) officers managed to thwart the smuggling of 10 packages of various types of narcotics to be put into the local prison. Zaeroji East Java through a press release received in Madiun, Wednesday 15 June. Apart from methamphetamine, evidence that was secured was 60 grams of marijuana, 100 inex pills, 20 double L pills, electric scales, plastic clips, brown duct tape, and scissors. Zaeroji explained that the successful thwarting of the narcotics smuggling attempt occurred in the courtyard of the local prison led by the Class II-A Youth Head of Madiun Ardian Nova Christiawan on Monday, June 13 at around 13.05 WIB. will deliver the package. The two of them drove an Ertiga car with the police number W-1897-AB into the gate of the Madiun Youth Prison. "When the car stopped at the surveillance and inspection post, the officers saw suspicious behavior from the two of them. Moreover, both of them answered the officers' questions with confusion," he said, quoted by Antara. .

The officer then contacted the Head of Security for Madiun Sastra Irawan Youth Prison to come to the location. When asked, MF and AP admitted that they would deliver the packages. But it is not clear to whom. When further examination was carried out, it turned out that the package brought by the two suspects was narcotics. As a form of accountability, the team from the local prison and the Madiun City Police Narcotics Unit conducted an inspection of the goods brought by MF and AP. From the results of the clarification and examination, it was found that the goods were originally intended to be sent to one of the narcotics convicts with the initials G. The prison authorities and police investigators have conducted a BAP on G. involved," said Zaeroji. His party is ready to synergize with the TNI/Polri to create a line work unit that is free from narcotics. "For the next steps we leave it to the police. We are ready to synergize with investigators to uncover this case," he said.

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