JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) of the National Police stated that the use of white-based number plates will begin to be implemented. In fact, there are three regions that are ready to implement the policy.

"Yes. West Java, East Java and North Sumatra will be prioritized for implementation," said Head of the STNK Korlantas Polri Sub-Directorate Kombes Taslim Chairuddin when confirmed, Tuesday, June 14.

The reason is that the materials or number plates with a black base produced in the three areas have run out. Thus, the transition to a new model or a white base can begin.

However, Taslim has not been able to confirm the exact timing of the application of the white base color plate.

"If the old specification material (black base color) runs out, the new material will be used, meaning that we have started using TNKB with white basic color specifications and black writing," he said.

Regardless of the implementation, Taslim appealed to people whose license plates have not expired not to worry. This is because fines will not be enforced.

Moreover, in this transitional phase, it prioritizes vehicles whose validity period or 5-year tax has expired.

"Vehicles that already use old materials will remain valid until their expiration date," said Taslim.

For information, the policy for the transition of license plates is contained in the Regulation of the Indonesian National Police (Perpol) Number 7 of 2021 concerning Registration and Identification of Motorized Vehicles which replaces Perpol Number 5 of 2012 concerning Vehicle Registration and Identification of Motorized Vehicles.

In Article 45 paragraph (1) letter a it is explained that the TNKB (motor vehicle number sign) will later be colored on a white base with black writing for individual vehicles, legal entities, representatives of foreign countries, or international agencies.

Then it is stated that the yellow base plate is written in black for public vehicles, the red base plate is written in white for government agency vehicles, and the green base plate is written in black for vehicles in free trade areas that receive import duty exemption facilities and are based on the provisions of laws and regulations.

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