JAKARTA - A man with the initials P (48), a resident of Kosambi, was found dead after experiencing a single motorcycle accident on Jalan Tubagus Angke, Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta, Monday, June 13, yesterday. The victim's motorbike fell into a ditch.

"The victim and his motorbike fell and drowned in a pool or water channel control tank," said West Jakarta Traffic and Traffic Head AKP Hartono when confirmed, Tuesday, June 14.

The incident started when P was riding a motorcycle with the police number B 3868 BFH coming from the direction of Jembatan Dua towards Pesing.

Arriving at the scene, P's motorbike then lost control and hit the road divider, then bounced and plunged into the water channel.

The victim died instantly at the scene. The victim had a head wound. While the motor also suffered damage.

"He died at the scene. The victim's body has been evacuated to the Tangerang Hospital," he said.

Currently, the exact cause of the accident victim is still under investigation by the West Jakarta Traffic Traffic Unit.

"It's still an investigation," he said.

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