GUNUNG KIDUL - Pilgrims from Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, are scheduled to depart for the Holy Land on June 18, 2022. Head of the People's Welfare Section of the Gunung Kidul Regional Secretariat, Azis Saleh in Gunung Kidul, Monday 13 June, said the congregation from Gunung Kidul who consisting of 184 people, the plan is to depart for Holy Arabia using a Garuda Indonesia aircraft with flight number GIA 6121 on 18 June 2022 at 11.30 WIB. in Boyolali Regency. According to Azis, the Gunung Kidul congregation will depart for the Donohudan Hajj Dormitory on June 17, 2022 at around 09.00 WIB. in the Holy Land of Mecca. He also explained that the pilgrims for the Gunung Kidul pilgrimage consisted of: 87 men and 97 women with the youngest members of the congregation aged 28 years and the oldest aged 64 years. According to him, the Gunung Kidul pilgrims include civil servants, traders, private workers, housewives, farmers, students, as well as TNI/Polri officers. "ASN still dominates hajj candidates, with a total of 110 people," he was quoted as saying. Head of the Gunung Kidul Religious Affairs Ministry, Sa'ban Nuroni, said that all hajj candidates were confirmed to be vaccinated and undergo COVID-19 checks before leaving. In good health, 184 people departed from the Holy Land in full," he said. Meanwhile, the Regent of Gunung Kidul Sunaryanta reminded the pilgrims to maintain their health so that they could carry out the pilgrimage smoothly and well in the Holy Land. , meet family and loved ones. Return to the community by bearing the mabrur hajj," said the Regent.

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