JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, expressed her deep condolences for the death of the eldest son of the Governor of West Java Ridwan Kamil, Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz, or better known as Eril.

The Minister of Manpower expressed his condolences directly to Governor Ridwan Kamil when the two met at the Indonesian Embassy in Bern, Switzerland on Friday, June 10 yesterday. The Minister of Manpower met Ridwan Kamil on the sidelines of his working visit to Bern, Switzerland.

"I am deeply saddened by the death of Eril's son, Kang Ridwan Kamil's son. May Eril find the best place in the sight of Allah, and Kang Ridwan Kamil and his family will be given fortitude," said the Minister of Manpower.

While at the Indonesian Embassy, the Minister of Manpower together with Ridwan Kamil, a group from the Ministry of Manpower, and Indonesian Embassy employees performed a magical prayer for Eril. The occult prayer was led by Ridwan Kamil.

After performing the occult prayer, the Minister of Manpower and Ridwan Kamil together visited the Aare River, a location where Eril disappeared.

Arriving at the Aare river, the Minister of Manpower and Ridwan Kamil walked to the side of the river, then stopped at a tree that was used as a marker to remember Eril.

After that, they circled rivers and bridges while talking about the chronology of Eril's disappearance in the river which is known as the Green River of Tosca.

The Head of the Center for Disaster Studies at Hasanudin University, Adi Maulana, explained his analysis of the discovery of the body of Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz or Eril which was found after a 14-day search. Eril's body was also found intact. Adi said that there were two reasons why it was difficult to find Eril who had drowned in the Aare River, Bern, Switzerland, so far. He said, the flow of the Aare River has a fairly swift current. Second, the rock material at the bottom of the river is uneven. "The combination of a fairly large current and the morphology of the riverbed consisting of rocks certainly makes it difficult for the SAR team to find his body in the Aare River," said Adi when contacted by VOI, Friday, June 10. With Eril's body still intact even though it had been submerged for 14 days, Adi mentioned two factors. First, the temperature in the Bern river is still quite cold even though it is currently entering summer. "Because of the river, the water temperature which is still quite cold, more or less affects the process of decay not taking place quickly, or in the sense of slowing down," said Adi.

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