SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked the management of the Central Java Province National Amil Zakat Agency to be more creative in maximizing the various potentials of waqf so that they are beneficial to the community.

"Baznas Central Java is very creative, not only about collective and charity, but can be used more productively," said Ganjar after inaugurating the leadership of Baznas Central Java Province for the period 2022-2027 in Semarang, Antara, Friday, June 10.

Ganjar said that Baznas Central Java has a direct or indirect contribution to society and continues to transform for the better.

"Almost every time we try to solve it collaboratively, and the response is fast. I am happy because the vice governor is my kiai, so we are always reminded of the potential resources of the community that we can mobilize, so I said there are still waqf," he said.

In addition, during his reign, Baznas was involved in various government programs, from reducing stunting rates, reducing poverty rates to a productive economy by providing training.

"The central Baznas is also very attentive, we get continuous guidance. This is a collaborative work that we can do," said the former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Moreover, said Ganjar, the central government has specifically assigned Baznas to be involved in reducing extreme poverty.

The number one person in Central Java said that an intervention like this required creativity in management coupled with better transparency and accountability.

"We hope that the new management will be more creative, including exploring the potential of community organizations or individuals who have not paid. This collective process in my opinion is getting better day by day," he said.

The board of directors of the Central Java Baznas for the 2022-2027 period who was inaugurated by the Governor of Central Java, namely KH Ahmad Darodji was re-inaugurated as chairman, while the four deputy chairmen were Hadlor Ihsan, Zain Yusuf, Rosihan, and Sholahuddin Aly.

Head of Baznas Noor Achmad added that so far Central Java Baznas has always been a model for Baznas throughout Indonesia. "I always say, Central Java Baznas is a pilot. The relationship between the leadership and Baznas should be imitated, not only between provinces but also regions in Central Java," he said.

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