MANOKWARI - The acting Governor of West Papua, Paulus Waterpauw, accepted the aspiration to form a New Autonomous Region (DOB) for Southwest Papua from the Papuan Community Alliance and the Archipelago Community in Manokwari.

Prior to meeting the Acting Governor of West Papua, the traditional leaders of Papua and the archipelago who were members of the alliance held speeches at Borarsi Field, Manokwari.

The Head of the Maybrat Tribe in Manokwari, Marthen Nauw, said that the formation of the New Guinea for South West Papua was in line with and was a mandate of Law No. 2/2021 as a revision of Law No. 21/2001 on Special Autonomy in Papua.

Therefore, the Papuan Community Alliance and the Archipelago Community asked President Joko Widodo and the House of Representatives to immediately enact the Bill for the Establishment of the Papua and West Papua New Guinea into a law.

"Through the expansion approach, we will accelerate development and at the same time expand the reach of government services to the community," said Nauw, who is also the chairman of the Papuan Community Alliance and the Archipelago Community.

He said the presence of the new autonomous regions would shorten the span of development control in the Papua and West Papua regions, as well as expand job opportunities for the local community.

Youth leader Arfak in Manokwari, Sius Dowansiba, said the formation of new autonomous regions was a blessing from the government for the people of Papua and West Papua.

After holding the speech, representatives of traditional leaders went to the residence of the Governor of West Papua to submit aspirational documents that had been signed together.

Waterpauw when receiving representatives of the Papuan Community Alliance and the Archipelago Society stated that he would take quick steps to follow up on the aspirations expressed by these residents.

"The quick steps we are taking are coordinating with regional leadership forums, and arranging time to deliver community representatives to convey their aspirations to the President," he said.

According to him, as long as the aspiration is conveyed properly, the local government will support it.

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