JAKARTA - Kelapa Gading Police Chief Kompol Vokky Sagala said that his party had not been able to confirm the status of the suspect regarding the pork Padang rice menu sold by Sergio, a resident of Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta.
Vokky said that Sergio was still being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kelapa Gading Police, starting today, Friday, June 10.
"At this time, the investigation is still in progress," said Kelapa Gading Police Chief Kompol Vokky Sagala to VOI, at Kelapa Gading Police Station, North Jakarta, Friday, June 10, evening.
Although the business has been closed since 2020, the investigation process has begun against the owner of the business, known as Sergio.

"Just today we asked for information, so we are still conducting an investigation," he said.
Meanwhile, when it was asked about the existence of a criminal element against the owner of the pork-based food, the Sector Police Chief was unable to confirm it.
"That's right (the criminal element is not yet certain), we will go to a further stage," he said.
Previously, the Kelapa Gading Police arrested a man in connection with the sale of Nasi Padang menu made from pork in Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta.
Several personnel from the Kelapa Gading Police Sector Police to the DKI Jakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) also searched the Padang restaurant business.
"So it's not a restaurant or a shop, but a residence. When we arrived, it was no longer operating," he concluded.
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