JAKARTA – One of the members of the South Jakarta Metro Police Precision Pioneer Patrol team, Brigadier HY, suffered a fractured bone due to being hit by a group of people in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto said the incident occurred on Thursday morning, June 9. The incident began when Bripka HY wanted to try to break up the beating by a group of perpetrators against a woman.

The police asked the group of youths to stop. However, the perpetrators ignored it. In fact, the victim had issued three warning shots against the group.

"But they ran away in a car and were told to stop. They didn't want to. In the end, they were given a warning, but instead of stopping, they bumped into our members," said Budhi when confirmed, Friday, June 10.

"The second shot was aimed at the hood of the car but still didn't stop. Finally, the third shot was aimed at the window and just stopped. So the member who was hit was dragged 5 meters away," he continued.

After the incident, the victim was rushed to Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta. Brigadier HY suffered a fracture and was given surgery.

"From the results of the post-mortem examination at Fatmawati Hospital, it shows a fractured bone that requires surgery and a pen is attached," he concluded

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