JAKARTA - Corona cases have been observed to increase for the past three days. The COVID-19 Task Force revealed that the trend of increasing cases of the Corona virus had occurred for the last three weeks.

In response to this, Commission IX of the DPR RI asked the government and the public to remain disciplined in carrying out health protocols in anticipation of the massive spread of COVID-19 again.

"The government and the public are expected to remain disciplined in implementing health protocols, vaccinating according to schedule and continuing to strengthen testing tracing," said Deputy Chair of Commission IX of the DPR Emanuel Melkiades Laka Lena, Friday, June 10. The NTT electoral district legislator assesses that the government needs to immediately respond to the current upward trend wisely. Melki said, a quick response needs to be done before the policy towards endemic is implemented.

The Golkar politician also reminded all parties not to be careless. Because according to him, at this time the potential for an increase is still possible. "We all elements of the community as well as the central, provincial, district and city levels to the village and sub-district level, don't be careless, continue to be aware of the potential increase in cases that may still occur," he urged.

For information, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) released the latest additional positive cases of COVID-19 as of Thursday, June 9. A total of 71,032 specimens were examined with the results of 556 new positive cases of COVID-19. June. Today's recovered cases increased by 410 cases, bringing the total to 5,898,040 recovered people. Then, positive confirmation that 7 died and a total of 156,635 people.

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