JAKARTA - After going through a process of investigation and investigation for 63 days, Bareskrim Polri finally named eight people as suspects in the fire case of the Attorney General's Building (AGO) building.
"63 days of the investigation process has been carried out, on the 30th day it has gone up to the investigation because there is a suspicion of a criminal act," said the Director of the Directorate of General Crimes (Dittipidum) of the National Police, Brigadier General Ferdy Sambo, told reporters, Friday, October 23.
During these 63 days, the joint team conducted examinations of witnesses ranging from construction workers, internals to the Attorney General's Office and experts. Then, the team also conducted six crime scenes.
The results concluded there was negligence from construction workers smoking in the room. The coal base is said to have triggered the fire at the AGO.
"They smoke in the room where they work," said Ferdy Sambo.
According to him, the embers of the cigarettes triggered the start of the fire, because there were many flammable materials in the room.
"Where these jobs contain flammable materials such as thinner, glue and several other combustible materials," said Ferdy.

Ferdy also explained how fire spreads so fast. The reason is that all floors of the AGO building use dust cleaner cleaning fluid.
Based on the deepening, the cleaning fluid contains flammable materials, namely, gasoline, diesel, and fragrances. For that reason, the fire that was originally on the sixth floor spread throughout the building.
"We can conclude that what accelerates the spread of fire in the building is the use of lobby oil or floor cleaner," he said.
Previously, eight people were named as suspects in the fire case at the Attorney General's Office (AGO) building. Five of them are construction workers.
"We have named 8 suspects in this (fire) case," said Head of Public Relations of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono to reporters, Friday, October 23.
The five construction workers have the initials T, H, S, K, and IS. They were named suspects for violating the no smoking rule in the personnel bureau hall.
"They are doing activities they shouldn't be doing, namely smoking in the room where they work," said Argo.
While the other three namely, UAM as the foreman, R who is the Director of PT ARM and the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Attorney General's Office, NH.
The suspects were charged under Article 188 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 and Article 56 of the Criminal Code with the threat of 5 years in prison.
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