KALTARA - Chairman of the North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Terrorism Prevention Coordination Forum (FKPT) Datu Iskandar Zulkarnaen revealed that dai, ulema or religious lecturers can erode radicalism and terrorism.

This was conveyed by Iskandar in the event for Improving the Competence of Religious Lecturers by the Ministry of Religion (Ministry of Religion) Kaltara which involved 50 preachers from all over North Kalimantan.

"The role of the dai is very strategic because based on the research of Insep (Indonesian Institute for Society Empowerment) the biggest motive for terrorism is the wrong religious ideology," said Iskandar in Tarakan, quoted from Antara, Thursday 9 June.

He cited Insep's recent research that the biggest motives were false religious ideology 45.5 percent, communal solidarity 20 percent, "mob mentality" 12.7 percent, revenge 10.9 percent, situational 9.1 percent and 1.8 percent separatism.

The role of dai is highly expected in straightening out deviant religious ideologies because they are the ones who understand more about the true teachings of Islam.

"Call it jihad fisabilillah, in Islamic teachings it is taught. In the correct context, jihad has a broad meaning, jihad in studying, jihad in carrying out worship, and jihad in being obedient to parents," he said.

However, he said, in a deviant ideology, jihad is used to justify carrying out suicide bombings and fighting against groups who do not share their beliefs.

"Therefore, optimizing the role of dai is in line with the three terrorism prevention strategies, namely the national preparedness strategy, counter radicalization or counter ideology, narrative and propaganda as well as deradicalization strategy," he explained.

Sahir Hais Muhayyang, one of the participants in the event which was held for three days from 8-10 June 2022, acknowledged the importance of the role of religious preachers in countering radicalism and terrorism.

"The biggest obstacle for preachers is facing other preachers, not congregations. This is a fact, there are preachers serving as water sprinklers to keep the atmosphere cool, but on the other hand there are preachers like fan workers," he said.

Unfortunately, for those who have been exposed to fans, exposed to radicalism have more severe obstacles to straighten their understanding than for those who feel less knowledgeable.

He argues that the government needs to strengthen the position of Islamic organizations that have been the strength of Indonesia so far, especially NU and Muhammadiyah in countering deviant ideologies.

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